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Dr. Traill Dowie

Philosopher | Psychotherapist | Speaker

About Dr. Traill Dowie

Dr Traill Dowie is an interdisciplinary philosopher, academic and clinician. He holds dual PhDs in Philosophy and Psychiatry. Traill is an associate professor of psychotherapy at Ikon Institute, a research fellow at La Trobe University in Philosophy, as well as a Research Fellow at Australian National University in the School of Medicine and Psychology. Traill is a co-founder of Integrative Attachment Therapy and Integrative Psychology and Medicine. Traill is a leading thinker and clinician in the field of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. His contributions to the establishment of the field in Australia include supervision of clinical trials and the development of Australia's first systematic clinical training. 

Traill has a deep abiding interest in the history of psychological intervention and medicine more generally. Traill holds a PhD in Psychiatry from Monash University supervised by Professor Graham Smith, in which he explored the ontological and epistemological foundations of psychological practice in medicine.

As a philosopher and academic, Traill holds degrees in philosophy, the history of ideas, sociology, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne supervised by Dr John Rundell and Dr Cornel West. He works primarily in the intersections between Philosophy and Clinical practice, integrating cognitive science, philosophy of mind and phenomenology.


As well as having a strong background in social theory and critical theory, Traill has interests in consciousness, imagination, creativity, expression in the body and particularly in the meeting of music and philosophy.


During his academic career, Traill has visited Princeton and the Union Theological Seminary many times to work closely with Dr Cornel West; visited Stanford University to meet with Irvin Yalom MD; spent time at Saybrook University with Dr Stan Krippner; had an extended stay at the University of Virginia’s Consciousness and Perceptual Studies Research Lab with Professor Ed Kelly; and participated in seminars exploring transpersonal psychology, consciousness and traditional healing at Berkeley University. Traill has also presented at numerous national and international conferences as both a philosopher and a clinician.


Traill has held the role of head of school and lectured at a number of higher educational institutions. He has written curriculum and developed accredited courses from undergraduate to postgraduate level, which have trained thousands of therapists in Australia.


Traill considers his greatest achievement in life to be his daughter.

The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think

Gregory Bateson

Foggy Forest

“To put it bluntly, Traill is one of the most gifted and remarkable persons I have encountered in years. His intellectual gifts are grand and his intellectual passion is great."

Professor Cornel West


One must have chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star



Traill understands that community based enterprises are not as well resourced as corporate organisations, and as such is always open to helping and supporting these organisations.

Please let him know if he can help.

Psychotherapy Supervision

Integrative psychotherapeutic practice.
Registered supervisor.
Online or in person.
Individual, pair or pod supervision sessions available .


Trauma Practice

Applied Philosophy

Phenomenology and Experience

Optimisation of clinical models and practice structures.
Includes coaching and training for best-practice.

Public Speaking & Training

Available to speak on a wide range of topics for a variety of audiences, including academic lectures and customised professional training programmes.
Specialised services for education providers and professional sporting teams also on offer.

Corporate Consulting

Health and wellbeing.
Peak performance.

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The condition of all truth is to let suffering speak


Fallen Tree
Piles of Books

Resources & Written Material

In the Classroom

Recovery from church, institutional and cult abuse: A review of theory and treatment perspectives

This document is designed for three key stakeholders: agencies involved in prevention and intervention of institutional, church and cult abuse; practitioners working directly with individuals who have experienced a range of abusive group systems; and ex-members of abusive groups and their families.



Stack of Notebooks

Podcasts & Media

Misty Slope

An Integrated Approach To Trauma Treatment
Part 1: Foundations of Theory


 Bateson’s Process Ontology for Psychological Practice



cornel & T.jpg

Curriculum Vitae


Philosophy (general)

Philosophy of Psychiatry

Philosophy of Mind

Ecological Philosophy

Consciousness Studies

Cognitive Science



Social theory


Psychiatry and medicine

Political theory


Psychedelic Assisted Therapy


Transpersonal Psychology

Eastern Practices


Inter-disciplinary Thinking

Imagination, expression, and creativity

The Body


Music and Philosophy

Clinical Reasoning


2019: Doctor of Philosophy (Psychiatry),   Monash University

2015: Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy), University of Melbourne

2012: Master of Mind and Society, Monash University


2010: Graduate Diploma in Social Science (Jungian Studies), University of South Australia                 


2008: Master of Social Science (Counselling Studies), University of South Australia


2007: Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAFE SA


2007: Diploma of Applied Anthropology: Shamanic Studies. IKON Institute of Australia

2005: Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Flinders University of South Australia


2004: Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), University of Adelaide


2003: Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy, IKON Institute of Australia

2002: Bachelor of Arts (Sociology/History of Ideas), Deakin University

2002: Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling, Phoenix Institute of Australia



Tilgner, L., Dowie, T., & Denning, N., Recovery from Church, Institutional and Cult Abuse: a review of theory and treatment perspectives. Tabled at the Victorian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse 2015.

Dowie, T. (2021). Thinking, Philosophy and Psychotherapy. The professional journal of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia. Vol 1.


Dowie, T., & Denning, N. (2022) An integrated approach to trauma treatment. The professional journal of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia. Vol 1, 202


Dowie, T., & Tempone-Wiltshire, J. (2022). Immanence Transcendence and the Godly in a Secular Age. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 18(2), 353–368. 


Dowie, T., & Tempone-Wiltshire, Julien. (2023). Philosophy and psychedelics: Frameworks for exceptional experience. Journal of Psychedelic Studies. Solicited Ed. Michael Winkleman. 


Tempone-Wiltshire, J., & Dowie, T. (2023). Bateson's Process Ontology for Psychological Practice. Process Studies, 52(1), 95-116.


Tempone-Wiltshire, J. & Dowie, T. (2023). The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World. Process Studies 52 (1):138–142.

Tempone-Wiltshire, Julien & Dowie, Traill. (2024). A Mindful Bypassing: Mindfulness, Trauma and the Buddhist Theory of No-Self. 23. 149-174. 

Dowie, T. (in prep), ‘Philosophy in a Different Key: A Dialogue Between Cornel West, John Rundell, and Traill Dowie.’ Intended for the Journal of Culture and Society


2011 - 2014: Australian Postgraduate     Award


Dowie, T & Denning, N. Trauma (2019). Treatment when working with Institutional Abuse: Cults and other interpersonal catastrophes. 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors Conference

Dowie, T & Enter, J. (2019). Dulling the Pain: Understanding Addiction through a Trauma-Focused Lens. 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors Conference

Traill Dowie & Denning, N (2019). Traumatised Early and Often: Conceptualising the Borderline in Trauma Practice. 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors Conference

Denning, N & Dowie, T.(2019). Supporting Post Traumatic Growth with Positive Psychology: The Brain and Recovery in Traumatic Experience. 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors Conference

Dowie, T & Denning, N. (2019).Towards an Integrative Model and Practice for Trauma Treatment. 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors Conference

Dowie, T. (2012). The intentional arc in psychological medicine. 5th International Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference. Dunedin.

Dowie, T. (2012). The Politics of Therapy.

5th International Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference. Dunedin.

Dowie, T., & Rock, A. J. (September 2011). Re-conceptualising post personal counselling: An extended vision of the humanistic counselling project. ACA 2011 National Conference, Melbourne. 

Dowie, T. (August 2011). Dissecting the 'myth' of the isolated mind: The inter-subjectivity problem in psychotherapy. World Congress of Psychotherapy, 2011, Sydney.


2023 - Current: Research Fellow in the School of Medicine and Psychology at Australian National University.

2020-2022: Co-Lead Mind Medicine Institute Certificate of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (CPAT)..

2019 – Current: La Trobe University:  Honorary Research Fellow in Philosophy. School of Humanities and Social Sciences within the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Commerce. 

2016 – Associate Professor of Psychotherapy Ikon Institute of Australia.


2016 – 2017: Lecturer Australian College of Applied Psychology


2015 – 2016: Head of Faculty (Transpersonal Psychology), Phoenix Institute of Higher Education 

2010 – 2014: Senior Lecturer and Subject Co-ordinator, Bachelor of Holistic Counselling, Phoenix Institute of Higher Education

2015 - 2017: Thesis examination, Cairn Miller Institute

2004 – 2013: Head of Discipline, Counselling, IKON Institute of Australia

2012: Research Visit, Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioural Sciences, University of Virginia 

2012: Reviewer, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 


2014- Current: Psychotherapist, Integrative Psychology and Medicine Melbourne


2018 - 2019: Chair Australian Counselling Association Panel for Trauma Treatment Standards.

2016 - 2019: Program Development Manager and Consulting Psychotherapist for Retreat South.

2014 - 2016: Director and Psychotherapist, Integrative Psychology Melbourne

2000 - current: Trainer and Provider of Group Psychotherapy

1999 - current: Psychotherapist​



  • Philosophy & Psychedelics: The Big Questions (Public conversation with Dr Chris Letheby and Dr Sam Douglas), Signs of Life Psychology, Melbourne

  • Subjectivity, Violence and Trauma Practice, The Salvation Army, Victoria

  • Psyche & Society, Corner Stone​, Melbourne

  • Minds, Metacognition & Practice, Melbourne

  • Case Formulation & Clinical Thinking: Integrative Psychology and Medicine, Melbourne

  • Trauma Treatment and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Pax Centre, Western Australia

  • Integrative Attachment Therapy Training, Integrative Psychology, Melbourne

  • Case Formulation & Clinical Thinking, Integrative Psychology, Melbourne

  • Introduction to Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Monarch Mental Health Group, Melbourne.


  • Phenomenology and states of consciousness, Advanced Topics in Psychology (PSYCH424): Seminar, University of New England

  • How to Change the World - And Why You Probably Shouldn't, School of BioSciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne

  • The Phenomenology of Addiction, Trauma, and Psychedelics, South Pacific Private, Sydney

  • Integrative Attachment Therapy Training, Integrative Psychology, Melbourne

  • The Future of Medicine, Mind Medicine Institute, Melbourne

  • Fundamentals of Psychedelics and Psychiatry, Mind Medicine Institute, Melbourne


  • Roundtable Discussion: Varieties of Imagination, Creativity and Wellbeing in Australia (VICAW), University of Melbourne

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies for Psychiatrists from a Trauma-Informed Perspective, Mind Medicine Australia


  • Thinking about Psychotherapy: Philosophy, Practice-Process and Praxis, ACCAPE. PACFA



  • Unheard and Unspoken- a phenomenology of Violence and Trauma (Keynote Address). Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence (SHRFV), Initiative State Conference, Bendigo, Australia.

  • Subjectivity and Victims of Institutional Abuse, Relationships Australia (Northern Territory).

  • Thinking, Ecology & Mind in an Age of Catastrophe: A Dialogue between Dr. Traill Dowie and Professor Freya Mathews, Ikon Institute of Australia. 

  • Family Violence & Medicine - The Legacy of Trauma on Self and Health (Grand Round), Delivered to Clinicians at Geelong Hospital.

  • Trauma, Family Violence and Child Attachment: Disruptions of the Self (Clinical Training). Delivered to Clinicians at Ballarat Hospital.

  • Trauma, Family Violence and Medicine (Grand Round). Delivered to Medical staff at Ballarat Health Services. 

  • The Dynamics of Trauma and Family Violence (Clinical Training). Delivered to Medical staff at Ararat Health Services. 


  • On Being Traumatised (Strengthening Hospital Response to Family Violence Initiative), Ballarat Hospital, Victoria

  • Understanding Trauma and Family Violence (16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence), Ballarat Health Services, Victoria

  • The Dynamics of Trauma and Family Violence (16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence), Ballarat Health Services, Hepburn Health Service, Victoria

  • Managing Trauma and Family Violence (Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence Initiative), Warrnambool Hospital Victoria

  • Trauma and Family Violence (Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence Initiative), Mortlake Hospital, Victoria


  • Case Conceptualisation. The Foundations of Treatment: Thinking about Client Complexity in Modern Practice with Professor Graeme Smith, Australian Psychological Society, Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Sciences, Monash Health, Monash University.

2012 – 2014

  • Case Conceptualisation. Clinical Thinking: The Foundations of Treatment and Practice. Professional Training for Counsellors and Psychotherapists, Melbourne

2011 – 2012

  • The Monstrous, Spirituality and Practice: Reflections on Charles Taylor and the Self. Public Lecture Series, Phoenix Institute (Melbourne) and Ikon Institute of Australia (Adelaide)

    A critical component of my life and outlook has been shaped by the idea of service. Throughout my clinical career, I have maintained a commitment to pro bono psychotherapy, free public speaking, and education to support institutions and organisations that are underfunded yet still provide significant benefits to the community. ​

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You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't serve the people

Cornel West

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